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Fellowships Extended


In Debt Relief and Seed Capital Awards to Formerly Incarcerated Graduates


Business Incubation Certificates

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Investing in leaders impacted by mass incarceration

All Square’s annual Fellowship program, which exists exclusively for individuals who have returned home from prison, is focused on healing, growth and prosperity as defined by each Fellow. Investing in formerly incarcerated leaders as they navigate reentry is a cornerstone of our existence.

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Mental health investment is a core component of The Fellowship, especially given that individuals and families impacted by mass incarceration often struggle with symptoms of trauma, depression, and anxiety from experiencing racism, historic oppression, disenfranchisement and disinvestment. 

Fellows engage in weekly Transformative Circles with our healing partners at Creative Kuponya. Individual and family therapy, for those who desire it, is also available on a weekly basis.

Employment & Legal Support

Fellows are offered competitive employment in our craft grilled cheese restaurant in addition to 401K safe harbor plans. Fellows also have priority access to our Law Firm, which provides civil legal services including, but not limited to, pardons, commutations, driver’s license reinstatements, expungements, family reunification support and business formation support.

Fellow Fund

Upon graduation, Fellows have access to our Fellow Fund; a fund that was seeded by the Minnesota Vikings and developed by graduates Randall Smith & Terrein Gill. Graduates can apply for debt alleviation grants of up to $2,000 and competitive seed capital grants of up to $10,000.

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"All Square means a lot to me because of the grace and mental clarity the Fellowship provided. I had dedicated time for my personal and professional development, which helped me to focus and better myself and my relationships (new and old). The positive culture created a place that welcomed hard work and friendship. To put it simply: they want the best for you and yours without the bullshit bias. It is naturally genuine Love."

-Terrein, 2020 Fellow


“I became involved with All Square at such a critical time in my life. The fellowship provided structure, promoted healing, and gave me a safe place to pursue my dreams. I am forever grateful to be a part of the All Square family. This program has changed my life for the better.”

- Aubrie M, 2020 Fellow

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